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Base Guard Bullets


Base Guard Kit

BGK-1-M, Reg. $149
SPECIAL: $89.50

Make your own Base Guard (TM) disks for .45-70 bullets!

The Base Guard disk attaches to the base of a swaged lead bullet, and cleans the fouling from the bore with each shot. Eliminate the need for jackets, or lubrication. Drop the BG disk into a LSWC-1-M or LSWC-1-S swage die, put in a piece of lead wire, and swage. The finished, ready-to-load bullet emerges with the BG disk attached firmly, yet so it can rotate with the rifling separately from the bullet.

To make this a complete bullet-swaging package, add the LSWC-1-M or the LSWC-1-S .458 with 1-E nose and BG base punch included. (LSWC-1-M fits CSP-3 or CSP-1 press. LSWC-1-S fits CSP-1 press). Then add a roll of lead wire (LW-10) in .390 or .430 diameter, a PCS-2 core cutter, and CSL-2 Corbin Swage Lube. If you do not have a swaging press, consider the Corbin CSP-1 All-Steel Roller Bearing press, which can handle the heaviest reloading and swaging jobs with type -M, -S, or -R dies.

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Our fax number is 541-826-8669. Our voice phone is 541-826-5211, and is answered by real people from 9-AM to 5-PM, Monday through Thursday, and by a computer with hundreds of answers and voice information files any other time.

You can place orders for items that don't require detailed discussion, on our secure shopping cart server (128-bit encryption protects your credit card number), and order the rest by e-mail where we can discuss it first (just refer to your shopping cart order, and we'll know where to find the credit card information without any need for you to send it by e-mail).

PO Box 2659
White City, OR 97503 USA

Phone: 541-826-5211 FAX: 541-826-8669
E-Mail: sales@corbins.com

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