Corbin HTO-2 Heat Treat Oven
Making bonded core bullets, heat treating jacket materials, annealing copper tubing, and making hardened and tempered tool steel parts and springs are just a few of the uses for the Corbin HTO-2 Heat Treatment Oven. Featuring digital control in a compact 28-pound benchtop package, the HTO-2 provides fast, precise temperatures from 100 to 1100 deg.C. (up to about 2000 deg.F).
The dimensions of the oven are aproximately 16 inches deep, 14.5 inches high and 10 inches wide. The cavity dimensions are 5.6 inches deep, 4.9 inches high and 4.7 inches wide. Two versions are available, one for 115-120 volts and the other for 220-240 volts. Both versions use approximately 1500 watts, a power level similar to a toaster. The use of ceramic foam insulation with an extremely low thermal mass lets the oven heat up quickly with less power than conventional fire-brick ovens. The precise digital control system monitors the temperature with a thermocouple, and establishes high accuracy control to whatever temperature you dial up.
Production runs of bonded core bullets are easy to make exactly the same, with the accurate control of temperature and even electrical heat from the embedded elements lining the oven cavity. Replacement of the elements is simple, if it is every necessary: just remove the back cover and rear insulation block, disconnect the heating element leads, and pull the ceramic oven lining straight out. The lining is a ceramic box about 3/8 inch thick, made of four folded sections with the heating element embedded in them. The combination lining and heating element is available from Corbin, as well as replacement insulation panels and doors, should these ever need to be repaired. Thermocouples and digital control units also can be replaced easily by the user without the need to return the units for service.
The HTO-2 may be purchased on the secure shopping cart or by e-mail. Prices are shown in the Corbin Price List.